Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ready, Set, Goals - Day 8: Get Passionate About Your Goals

Your goals are your goals and it is up to you to get passionate enough about them to succeed. Realizing your dreams and achieving your goals take passion and you will need to fire up that passion again and again.
Here is an affirmation to help keep you passionate about your goals...

I am passionate about my goals.

My passion drives me forward to live the life of my dreams. I know what I want in life and set goals to get me there. I know that each goal I achieve brings me in union with what I desire. I feel truly invigorated with each success!

Meeting a goal, no matter how big or small, strengthens my confidence and self-esteem. I enjoy these feelings and strive to receive them as often as possible.

Setting and achieving goals is a never-ending circle of positivity that fuels my passion even more. My passion encourages me to persevere over obstacles and it is replenished and increased with every goal I complete.

My passion enables my success. I use tools to ignite and refuel my passion on a daily basis, even when I face challenges that try to smother it.

My tools include affirmations to transform negative thoughts into positive ones, meditation to relax and rejuvenate my energy, prayer to connect my spirit with the Highest Power Source - Jesus, and notes and pictures to inspire and remind me of my goals.

Today, I choose to feel inspired by my passion and let the excitement propel me forward to achieve my goals, regardless of any challenges that may arise.

Action Questions:
Don't just read them, answer them and then put action behind them. DO Them!

Do Something. Do Anything, but don't just sit there hoping your goals will be achieved...See That They Are!

1. Am I passionate about my goals?

How badly do you want change?

What are you willing to give up (what bad habits) to achieve your goals?

What is the alternative if you do not reach your goals and live your dreams?

I’ll repeat it here again, but in a different way.

We talked about the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" with James Stewart where he got a chance to see what the world would be like if he had never been born. This time I want you to imagine what Your Life will be like if you do not go after your dreams and reach your goals.

"Your most valuable asset can be your willingness to persist longer than anyone else." ~ Brian Tracy

"At the worst, a house unkept cannot be so distressing as a life unlived." ~Dame Rose Macaulay,

2. Where can I find additional inspiration?

I would start with the BIBLE!

Then there are quotes to inspire and encourage.

"We can draw lessons from the past, but we cannot live in it." ~Lyndon B. Johnson

“If 2009 was the year to survive then let's make 2010 the year to thrive!” ~@leadtoday

"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." ~George S. Patton

“Do not be afraid of tomorrow; for God is already there.” ~ Author Unknown

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person s determination.” ~Tommy Lasorda

"People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents." ~Andrew Carnegie

I could go on and on. But do you feel the motivation starting to rise within you? Just reading those quotes you start to thinking, “Yes, I can do this. I will succeed.”

And so you shall!

Motivational, inspirational and educational CDs are great to listen to, especially while driving. Turn your car into a university on wheels.

Other like-minded, success striving, abundant living people. Careful here though- stay clear of negative people who will pull you down to where they are and where they intend to stay - mediocrity. You are above average. You are an Over-Comer. You are an Abundant Life Living Person. Why would you take advice from your broke and dead-end job friends and family?

A great place to meet other people realizing their dreams are networking groups and seminars.

3. What task can I achieve today to fuel my passion and get me back on track toward my goals?

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~Robert Collier

Make up your mind you WILL Succeed! It first starts with a decision. Then you must believe it is going to happen. EXPECT IT!

Write down your goals and review them often, at least once month. Tweak, adjust, modify, change, and re-purpose your goals as often as you need to.

Get training and/or coaching from those who are where you want to be.

Pray! And if you Pray, don't doubt or worry. If you are going to worry-no need to pray because you are showing that you do not really believe "That With God ALL Things Are Possible"

4. The Greatest Motivator of ALL!

I have found that the greatest motivator of all is to GIVE. Go out there and be a blessing to as many people as you can, as often as you can. Helping others, especially people who cannot in any way contribute to your business or help you in reaching your goals, will set in motion events that will help you in your business and in reaching your goals.

It's the Law of the Harvest: You will reap what you sow. So sow goodness and kindness.

"An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves." ~Lydia M. Child

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good." ~Ann Landers

BE a Go Giver!

Exercise 12:

Over the next several days I want you to go over or complete your previous exercises. I know I keep harping on being crystal clear on your goals, dreams, purpose, because the last four sections of this series will be dedicated to action steps. You do not want to put action behind something you do not desire to do.

Get out there, get out of the nest of comfort and ease, spread your Wings and Soar to the Land of Possibility!!!

Go for the most Amazing Life you can. Period.


  1. Great Post! I'm going through the process of goal setting for 2010 right now. Creating a list of people that I want to meet is an excellent idea that is definately getting incorporated.... Thanks much for the tip and great blog!

  2. Thanks Mike, If you have any other areas you would like specific direction or ideas, just let me know.
