Saturday, December 12, 2009

12 Days of Goal Casting for 2010 - INTRODUCTION


Join me for 12 days of planning, prayer, and goal setting as we head into the year 2010.

2010 will either be a year of Purpose, Goals, Direction and Success, or a year of Indecision, Chance and Uncertainty. You make that DECISION Now. 2010 will be a year of Challenge no matter what path you take. But without God, purpose, goals and a plan, those challenges can become catastrophic..

You have to decide today what you want to see show up in your Life tomorrow. Whatever you are facing today in your life is a result of decisions you have made in the past. Everything you do, or don't do, will show up in your future. You are planting seeds of life daily, and if your life is spiraling or without meaning or you are not living your purpose, you most likely will find the answer in your Harvest Field of Life Circumstances.

What is this Harvest Field of Life Circumstances? Most people see life's circumstances as something that has happened to them, rather than something they have done to themselves. First let's define "circumstance" - a condition, fact or event accompanying, conditioning or determining another. A circumstance is also defined as something that is unpredictable. How it manifests itself in your life depends on you.

Imagine a ship that sets sail from New York to England. The captain announces that the ship is equipped with everything needed for the journey, except a map. He assures all the passengers not to worry, because they will eventually get to their destination.

"By the way," he adds. "We don't have a rudder either." Anyone who knows anything about ships knows that without a map to guide it and a rudder to stir it, that ship could float around the ocean for years and never reach its intended destination. How many people live their lives that way. Sometimes, people do not even have a destination.

Do you have a destination? Have you identified your purpose? Do you have goals? Do you have some direction for reaching those goals? You don't need all the answers right now. The first thing is to begin thinking about what you want to have accomplished by December 31, 2010- a year from now.

So we will spend 12 days working on setting Goals and then keeping and reaching them. Here is how it will work. Each day of the week (except Christmas eve & Christmas Day) we will have a different goal assignment. We will start on Monday, December 14, 2009. Then each weekday we will have a new assignment. It is okay if you are getting started with us after the 14th because you can catch up on weekends or double up on weekdays.

If it helps, think of yourself as a Goalie. A Goalie (Goal-Keeper) is a person who defends the goal in various games. In this case, the game is Life--Your Life! So when those challenges come your way, do what a goalie does. Pick up the ball (challenge) and kick it a far away from you as you can. Don’t let it score a point in your life.

Every time you are faced with a challenge decide it will not score a point in your life. Decide to stop it from getting past you. You are the goalie...protect your goals.

Many people find it helpful if they have someone to be accountable to. That is fine. If you can team up with a spouse, relative or friend, even better. Encourage them to take part in this goal setting exercise.

It is important to plan now for 2010 and not wait until New Years Day to make some kind of resolution that most people will have forgotten about before the end of the month. They forget and it's back to the same old, same old. They planted a resolution seed, but did not spend anytime watering or fertilizing or weeding the ground where they planted it...which is their MIND.

Once you plant your seeds (set goals) you then need to water them with faith, love, action, persistence, motivation, gratitude, giving, character, etc. But watering your goals with these things alone is not enough, you must also make sure there is plenty of Son (Jesus) shinning down through your mind (heart) so that your goals can begin to grow and thrive. You get the idea.

Keep in mind you are planting seeds everyday. Be sure those seeds are seeds of love, kindness, honesty, charity, giving, thankfulness and gratitude. You may think of yourself as a pretty nice person, but how do you behave behind the wheel? Do you tailgate other drivers; do you cut people off or tell them off when they cut you off? Do you allow cars to change lanes or merge unto the freeway when traffic is heavy? You are sowing seeds constantly. But those seeds bring forth weeds that strangle all the good seeds you may have planted. You have to think about how you treat people in every situation for it will manifest itself in your life eventually.

Were you patient in line at the grocery store? Did you complain at the restaurant and leave a pitiful tip? Did you smile at people you interacted with today? Did you leave them with thoughts of happiness, peace and joy? I could go on and on, and I will go into more detail in my book.

Check back here on Monday for DAY 1 of Goal Casting.

You can also keep up and get daily reminders by joining my Facebook Fan Page: Click Here

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